$ A quick dive into Julia's type inference algorithm
A quick dive into Julia's type inference algorithm
09 November 2020

In this article we'll try to understand and implement a part of Julia's inference algorithm. The technique is commonly called as "abstract interpretation" or "data-flow analysis" of a program, which is generally used for program analysis, and so I hope even those who aren't especially interested in Julia may find this interesting.

In this article we're going to pick up constant folding propagation as an example data-flow analysis problem, and actually implement it from scratch using Julia. While constant folding propagation is one of the most common compiler optimization technique, the understanding can be easily generalized and the example implementation will help you figure out how Julia's inference routine works.

  1. Algorithm
    1. Data-flow problem
    2. "A Graph-Free Approach to Data-Flow Analysis"
    3. Example problem: Constant folding propagation
    4. The graph-free algorithm
    5. Example program prog0 and example algorithm tracing
  2. Implementation
    1. Example problem: Constant folding propagation example
    2. Example program prog0
    3. The graph-free algorithm
    4. Debugging the paper's algorithm
    5. The modified version of the graph-free algorithm
  3. Compare with Julia's native type inference
    1. Try it first
    2. Check the fixes in Julia's type inference implementation
  4. Conclusion
  5. References
  6. Footnotes


In this section we will briefly introduce some notations to describe a general data-flow analysis and consider the example problem (constant folding propagation), and finally understand an algorithm to solve it.

Data-flow problem

A data-flow problem is defined by the following 4 components:

  1. P=I0...InInstrP = I_0 ... I_n \in \text{Instr}: a program, which consists of "instructions"

  2. L=<A,,>L = < A, \sqcup, \sqcap > : lattice of abstract state that represents some property of PP

  3. ![.!]:Instr(AA)![.!] : \text{Instr} \rightarrow (A \rightarrow A): "abstract semantics" of PP, which gives how each instruction acts on PP's abstract state AA

  4. a0Aa_0 \in A: initial state of PP


The actual and concrete definitions of PP, LL, and ![.!]![.!] are given for each data-flow problem.

"A Graph-Free Approach to Data-Flow Analysis"

Muchnick, S.S. and Jones, N.D., 1981. Program flow analysis: Theory and applications (Vol. 196) proposed an algorithm that uses a graph that has nodes of basic blocks ("BB graph") as a core data structure, and it had been the de facto standard algorithm to solve a data-flow problem.

Mohnen, M., 2002, April. A graph-free approach to data-flow analysis extended that algorithm so that it doesn't use a graph as an explicit data structure.

It experimentally showed that the "graph-free" approach has the following benefits:

To help us understand the algorithm proposed in the paper, let's introduce an example data-flow problem first.

Reference note
In the rest of this article, I'm going to refer to Mohnen, M., 2002, April. A graph-free approach to data-flow analysis as "the paper".

Example problem: Constant folding propagation

This article picks up constant folding propagation as an example data-flow problem. It is a common compiler optimization technique that aims at finding as many constants as possible at compile time, and replacing the runtime computations with the constant values. So the data-flow problem for that is setup up such that it determines if a variable is constant or not at each point of the program.

Let's get started with defining 1.) program PP, 2.) lattice LL, 3.) abstract semantics ![.!]![.!], and 4.) the initial state a0a_0.

Problem setting 1: Program PP

For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that the program PP only performs operations on integers and there're only three types of instruction:

Problem setting 2: Lattice LL

Let CC to be an abstract value that represents each variable's property. For constant folding prop', we only need to consider the following three kinds of CC:

The paper gave intuitive meanings of \top and \bot as follows:

Next, we define the ordering of CC as follows: c1c2c_1 \le c_2 iff a) c1=c2c_1 = c_2, b) c1=c_1 = \bot, c) c2=c_2 = \top

So CC forms the flat lattice as shown in the following image: lattice

Hasse diagram of <C,,>< C, \sqcup, \sqcap >

The abstract state AA for each instruction of PP can be represented as the following map, where XX is the set of variables in PP:

A:=XC A := X \rightarrow C

Finally, we can think of meet and join operations on abstract state AA (A\sqcap_A, A\sqcup_A) as the per-variable uses of corresponding operation on abstract value CC.

Problem setting 3: Abstract semantics ![.!]![.!]

Let's consider the abstract semantics ![.!]![.!] of program PP. Each instruction of PP has the following effect on abstract state:

Abstract semantics ![.!]![.!]

Problem setting 4: Initial program state a0a_0

While the paper explains that the initial state of program in constant folding prop' problem should be initialized with \bot, it's probably wrong. Rather, PP should be initialized with \top for this problem; Intuitively, at the initial state, each variable in PP should be interpreted as "non constant due to missing information" rather than "non constant due to conflict".

a0:=X a_0 := X \rightarrow \top

The graph-free algorithm

Now we've set up the data-flow problem. The paper proposed the following algorithm to solve it: [2]

the graph-free algorithm

The graph-free algorithm

Intuitive understandings of this algorithm are:

  1. the program itself acts on its abstract state at instruction level via abstract semantics ![.!]![.!]

  2. the algorithm works by updating the current program counter pcpc, which corresponds to the current instruction IpcI_{pc}, and the working set WW, which holds the rest of the instructions to be computed

  3. the abstract state of the current instruction IpcI_{pc} propagates to states of all the instructions that IpcI_{pc} may reach

  4. however, the abstract state of the current instruction IpcI_{pc} propagates only if it "changes" the abstract state of an instruction to which it propagates

3. corresponds to Ipc=(if ψ goto l)I_{pc} = (\text{if} \psi \text{goto} l) in the algorithm. This means, the algorithm accounts for both branches at the conditional branching, unlike the actual program execution.

4. corresponds to if new<spc\text{if} new < s_{pc'} and if new<sl\text{if} new < s_{l} in the algorithm. The paper uses the ordering relation << of the abstract state AA in the lattice LL as the condition to check whether or not the abstract state of the current instruction "changes" the abstract state of an instruction to which it propagates. In other word, if new<spcnew < s_{pc'} doesn't hold we consider the abstract state has "converged" (and finally the algorithm will terminate after all the abstract states for each instruction have converged). The paper also explains that the ordering relation << is equivalent to the following condition:

new<spc(newspc=new)(newspc) new < s_{pc'} \equiv (new \sqcap s_{pc'} = new) \land (new \ne s_{pc'})

That is, newnew (abstract state of the current instruction IpcI_{pc}) is propagated to spcs_{pc'} (abstract state of the next instruction IpcI_{pc'}) only when newnew is lower than spcs_{pc'} in the lattice LL[3]. Thus, the abstract state AA for each instruction is always updated in a way that it transitions towards the bottom of LL, so that this algorithm will always converge given lattice LL with finite height.

Example program prog0 and example algorithm tracing

As an concrete example of the program PP, suppose we have the following program prog0:

0 ─ I₀ = x := 1
│   I₁ = y := 2
│   I₂ = z := 3
└── I₃ = goto I₈
1 ─ I₄ = r := y + z
└── I₅ = if x ≤ z goto I₇
2 ─ I₆ = r := z + y
3 ─ I₇ = x := x + 1
4 ─ I₈ = if x < 10 goto I₄
Example program: prog0

(The leftmost numbers correspond to basic blocks. They're not used by the algorithm presented in this article.)

The paper shows the following tables as the example tracing of the algorithm running on prog0: tracing-example

The paper's tracing example on @prog0

We can see that at the final state s8s_8 (x/ y/2 z/3 r/5\text{x}/\bot \text{y}/2 \text{z}/3 \text{r}/5), the algorithm obtains the information that "r is a constant 5", which doesn't appear in prog0.


Phew, such a long preface. Now let's express the data-flow problem and implement the algorithm using Julia ! As in the previous section, we first setup the problem, and then tackle the algorithm. The full code can be found at https://github.com/aviatesk/aviatesk.github.io/blob/main/posts/data-flow-problem/assets/dataflow.jl.


Example problem: Constant folding propagation example

Problem setting 1: Program PP

abstract type Exp end

struct Sym <: Exp

struct Num <: Exp

struct Call <: Exp

abstract type Instr end

struct Assign <: Instr

struct Goto <: Instr

struct GotoIf <: Instr

const Program = Vector{Instr}

Vector{Instr} (alias for Array{Instr, 1})

Problem setting 2: Lattice LL

Now we will express the abstract state A:=XCA := X \rightarrow C of an instruction that composes program PP.

First, we define CC, abstract value that a variable XX can have, and their order:

# partial order, meet, join, top, bottom, and their identities

import Base: ≤, ==, <, show

abstract type LatticeElement end

struct Const <: LatticeElement

struct TopElement <: LatticeElement end
struct BotElement <: LatticeElement end

const ⊤ = TopElement()
const ⊥ = BotElement()

show(io::IO, ::TopElement) = print(io, '⊤')
show(io::IO, ::BotElement) = print(io, '⊥')

≤(x::LatticeElement, y::LatticeElement) = x≡y
≤(::BotElement,      ::TopElement)      = true
≤(::BotElement,      ::LatticeElement)  = true
≤(::LatticeElement,  ::TopElement)      = true

# NOTE: == and < are defined such that future LatticeElements only need to implement ≤
==(x::LatticeElement, y::LatticeElement) = x≤y && y≤x
<(x::LatticeElement,  y::LatticeElement) = x≤y && !(y≤x)

# join
⊔(x::LatticeElement, y::LatticeElement) = x≤y ? y : y≤x ? x : ⊤

# meet
⊓(x::LatticeElement, y::LatticeElement) = x≤y ? x : y≤x ? y : ⊥

⊓ (generic function with 1 method)

Next, let's represent abstract state AA as map from variable XX to its abstract value CC, and define its ordering relation <<:

# NOTE: the paper (https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:28519618) uses U+1D56E MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL C for this
const AbstractState = Dict{Symbol,LatticeElement}

# extend lattices of abstract values to lattices of mappings of variables to abstract values;
# ⊓ and ⊔ operate pair-wise, and from there we can just rely on the Base implementation for
# dictionary equality comparison

⊔(X::AbstractState, Y::AbstractState) = AbstractState( v => X[v] ⊔ Y[v] for v in keys(X) )
⊓(X::AbstractState, Y::AbstractState) = AbstractState( v => X[v] ⊓ Y[v] for v in keys(X) )

<(X::AbstractState, Y::AbstractState) = X⊓Y==X && X≠Y

< (generic function with 77 methods)

Problem setting 3: Abstract semantics ![.!]![.!]

Abstract semantics ![.!]![.!] can be easily implemented using Julia's actual code execution. We can use getfield and easily retrieve the actual arithmetic function from head::Symbol field of Call object.

abstract_eval(x::Num, s::AbstractState) = Const(x.val)

abstract_eval(x::Sym, s::AbstractState) = get(s, x.name, ⊥)

function abstract_eval(x::Call, s::AbstractState)
    f = getfield(@__MODULE__, x.head.name)

    argvals = Int[]
    for arg in x.args
        arg = abstract_eval(arg, s)
        arg === ⊥ && return# bail out if any of call arguments is non-constant
        push!(argvals, unwrap_val(arg))

    return Const(f(argvals...))

# unwrap our lattice representation into actual Julia value
unwrap_val(x::Num)   = x.val
unwrap_val(x::Const) = x.val

unwrap_val (generic function with 2 methods)

Problem setting 4: Initial program state a0a_0

As explained in the previous section, we modify the example in the article and initialize a0a_0 with \top:

a₀ = AbstractState(:x => ⊤, :y => ⊤, :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤)

Dict{Symbol, LatticeElement} with 4 entries:
  :y => ⊤
  :z => ⊤
  :r => ⊤
  :x => ⊤

Example program prog0

Before implementing the algorithm, let's represent the example program prog0 first.

An naive representation would look like this:

prog0 = [Assign(Sym(:x), Num(1)),                              # I₀
         Assign(Sym(:y), Num(2)),                              # I₁
         Assign(Sym(:z), Num(3)),                              # I₂
         Goto(8),                                              # I₃
         Assign(Sym(:r), Call(Sym(:(+)), [Sym(:y), Sym(:z)])), # I₄
         GotoIf(7, Call(Sym(:(≤)), [Sym(:x), Sym(:z)])),       # I₅
         Assign(Sym(:r), Call(Sym(:(+)), [Sym(:z), Sym(:y)])), # I₆
         Assign(Sym(:x), Call(Sym(:(+)), [Sym(:x), Num(1)])),  # I₇
         GotoIf(4, Call(Sym(:(<)), [Sym(:x), Num(10)])),       # I₈

9-element Vector{Instr}:
 Assign(Sym(:x), Num(1))
 Assign(Sym(:y), Num(2))
 Assign(Sym(:z), Num(3))
 Assign(Sym(:r), Call(Sym(:+), Exp[Sym(:y), Sym(:z)]))
 GotoIf(7, Call(Sym(:≤), Exp[Sym(:x), Sym(:z)]))
 Assign(Sym(:r), Call(Sym(:+), Exp[Sym(:z), Sym(:y)]))
 Assign(Sym(:x), Call(Sym(:+), Exp[Sym(:x), Num(1)]))
 GotoIf(4, Call(Sym(:<), Exp[Sym(:x), Num(10)]))

Hm, it's a little clumsy. So, let's write a macro @prog that generates our target instruction-level problem PP from Julia syntax, using Julia's powerful meta-programming features[4]. We'll use MacroTools.jl, a package for pattern-matching on Julia's surface syntax AST.

using MacroTools

macro prog(blk)
    Instr[Instr(x) for x in filter(!islnn, blk.args)]::Program

function Instr(x)
    if @capture(x, lhs_ = rhs_)               # => Assign
        Assign(Instr(lhs), Instr(rhs))
    elseif @capture(x, @goto label_)          # => Goto
    elseif @capture(x, cond_ && @goto label_) # => GotoIf
        GotoIf(label, Instr(cond))
    elseif @capture(x, f_(args__))            # => Call
        Call(Instr(f), Instr.(args))
    elseif isa(x, Symbol)                     # => Sym
    elseif isa(x, Int)                        # => Num
        error("invalid expression: $(x)")

islnn(@nospecialize(_)) = false
islnn(::LineNumberNode) = true

islnn (generic function with 2 methods)

Now we can generate PP directly from Julia's nice syntax :-)

prog0 = @prog begin
    x = 1             # I₀
    y = 2             # I₁
    z = 3             # I₂
    @goto 8           # I₃
    r = y + z         # I₄
    x ≤ z && @goto 7  # I₅
    r = z + y         # I₆
    x = x + 1         # I₇
    x < 10 && @goto 4 # I₈

9-element Vector{Instr}:
 Assign(Sym(:x), Num(1))
 Assign(Sym(:y), Num(2))
 Assign(Sym(:z), Num(3))
 Assign(Sym(:r), Call(Sym(:+), Exp[Sym(:y), Sym(:z)]))
 GotoIf(7, Call(Sym(:≤), Exp[Sym(:x), Sym(:z)]))
 Assign(Sym(:r), Call(Sym(:+), Exp[Sym(:z), Sym(:y)]))
 Assign(Sym(:x), Call(Sym(:+), Exp[Sym(:x), Num(1)]))
 GotoIf(4, Call(Sym(:<), Exp[Sym(:x), Num(10)]))

The graph-free algorithm

Okay, it's time to implement the main algorithm. If we try to implement it faithfully according to the paper, it would look like this:

function max_fixed_point(prog::Program, a₀::AbstractState, eval)
    n = length(prog)
    init = AbstractState( v => ⊤ for v in keys(a₀) )
    s = [ a₀; [ init for i = 2:n ] ]
    W = BitSet(0:n-1)

    while !isempty(W)
        pc = first(W)
        while pc ≠ n
            delete!(W, pc)
            I = prog[pc+1]
            new = s[pc+1]
            if isa(I, Assign)
                # for an assignment, outgoing value is different from incoming
                new = copy(new)
                new[I.lhs.name] = eval(I.rhs, new)

            if isa(I, Goto)
                pc´ = I.label
                pc´ = pc+1
                if isa(I, GotoIf)
                    l = I.label
                    if new < s[l+1]
                        push!(W, l)
                        s[l+1] = new
            if pc´≤n-1 && new < s[pc´+1]
                s[pc´+1] = new
                pc = pc´
                pc = n

    return s

max_fixed_point (generic function with 1 method)

Note that in this article we're trying to express things in the same way as the paper as possible, and so here we've adjusted the paper's 0-based indexing so that it fits with Julia's 1-based indexing as s[pc´+1] and so on.

Now we're good to go, let's run it on prog0 !

max_fixed_point(prog0, a₀, abstract_eval)

9-element Vector{Dict{Symbol, LatticeElement}}:
 Dict(:y => ⊤, :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤, :x => ⊤)
 Dict(:y => ⊤, :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))

... Hmm ? The result is different from the paper's tracing example. See the last line Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1)), which corresponds to s8s_8 in the tracing example, and there's no longer any information that indicates r is a constant 5 at that point.

To say the conclusion first, this is in fact because the paper's original algorithm is partially wrong[5]. Let's take a close look.

Actually, the tracing example from the paper is incomplete. If we run the algorithm, at the cell at the 5th row from the top and 11th column from the left, which is blank in the original table, s3s_3 (the state of I₃ = goto I₈) should have propagated to s8s_8 (the state of I₈ = if x < 10 goto I₄), and so the cell should have been s8:=x/1 y/2 z/3 r/s_8 := \text{x}/1 \text{y}/2 \text{z}/3 \text{r}/\top. Then at the cell at 11th row from the top and 10th column from the left, s8<s7s_8 < s_7 no longer holds, and thus s7s_7 (the state of I₇ = x := x + 1) won't be propagated to s8s_8 and WW will be emptied, and consequently, the algorithm will terminate at that point.

Since the implementation above faithfully follows the paper, it terminated as exactly described above (i.e. new < s[pc´+1] didn't returns true when new is s7s_7). Now we're in trouble ...

Debugging the paper's algorithm

The problem with the paper's algorithm is that, to put it simply, the states can't propagate well if we use strict ordering relation between abstract states (3) to determine whether or not the abstract state of the current instruction changes an abstract state to which it propagates.

In this particular case, while the ordering relation new < s[pc´+1] doesn't hold when new is s7s_7 (abstract state of the current instruction I7I_7, x/2 y/2 z/3 r/5\text{x}/2 \text{y}/2 \text{z}/3 \text{r}/5) and s[pc´+1] is s8s_8 (abstract state of the next instruction I8I_8, x/1 y/2 z/3 r/\text{x}/1 \text{y}/2 \text{z}/3 \text{r}/\top), but we still want to propagate new (s7s_7) to s[pc´+1] (s8s_8) and update s[pc´+1] to such an new state that s8:=x/ y/2 z/3 r/5s_8 := \text{x}/\bot \text{y}/2 \text{z}/3 \text{r}/5.

Therefore, we want to fix the original algorithm so that:

  1. it propagates changes of the current instruction's state newnew to the next instruction's state spcs_{pc'}, without using their strict ordering relation new<spc(newspc=new)(newspc)new < s_{pc'} \equiv (new \sqcap s_{pc'} = new) \land (new \ne s_{pc'}) (3)

  2. on the other hand, in order to keep the convergence of the algorithm, changes of newnew should be propagated in a way that the new state always is lower in the lattice LL than the previous state

We can put them into code as follows:

  1. use the "equivalence" of abstract state to determine whether or not the abstract state of the current instruction changes an abstract state to which it propagates

  2. use (meet, computes maximum lower bound) to update abstract state, to make sure that the updated abstract state will be lower in LL than the previous state.

So, let's apply the following diff to max_fixed_point:

--- a/dataflow.jl
+++ b/dataflow.jl
@@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ function max_fixed_point(prog::Program, a₀::AbstractState, eval)
                 pc´ = pc+1
                 if isa(I, GotoIf)
                     l = I.label
-                    if new < s[l+1]
+                    if new ≠ s[l+1]
                         push!(W, l)
-                        s[l+1] = new
+                        s[l+1] = new ⊓ s[l+1]
-            if pc´≤n-1 && new < s[pc´+1]
-                s[pc´+1] = new
+            if pc´≤n-1 && new ≠ s[pc´+1]
+                s[pc´+1] = new ⊓ s[pc´+1]
                 pc = pc´
                 pc = n

The modified version of the graph-free algorithm

Let's try the modified version of the algorithm:

# NOTE: in this problem, we make sure that states will always move to _lower_ position in lattice, so
# - initialize states with `⊤`
# - we use `⊓` (meet) operator to update states,
# - and the condition we use to check whether or not the statement makes a change is `new ≠ prev`
function max_fixed_point(prog::Program, a₀::AbstractState, eval)
    n = length(prog)
    init = AbstractState( v => ⊤ for v in keys(a₀) )
    s = [ a₀; [ init for i = 2:n ] ]
    W = BitSet(0:n-1)

    while !isempty(W)
        pc = first(W)
        while pc ≠ n
            delete!(W, pc)
            I = prog[pc+1]
            new = s[pc+1]
            if isa(I, Assign)
                # for an assignment, outgoing value is different from incoming
                new = copy(new)
                new[I.lhs.name] = eval(I.rhs, new)

            if isa(I, Goto)
                pc´ = I.label
                pc´ = pc+1
                if isa(I, GotoIf)
                    l = I.label
                    if new ≠ s[l+1]
                        push!(W, l)
                        s[l+1] = new ⊓ s[l+1]
            if pc´≤n-1 && new ≠ s[pc´+1]
                s[pc´+1] = new ⊓ s[pc´+1]
                pc = pc´
                pc = n

    return s

max_fixed_point(prog0, a₀, abstract_eval) # The solution contains the `:r => Const(5)`, which is not found in the program

9-element Vector{Dict{Symbol, LatticeElement}}:
 Dict(:y => ⊤, :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤, :x => ⊤)
 Dict(:y => ⊤, :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => ⊤, :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => ⊤, :x => Const(1))
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => ⊥)
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => ⊥)
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => ⊥)
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => ⊥)
 Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => ⊥)

Hooray ! Splendidly, the algorithm's returned Dict(:y => Const(2), :z => Const(3), :r => Const(5), :x => ⊥), which corresponds to s8s_8, and now we know r is a constant 5 correctly.

Compare with Julia's native type inference

By the way, Julia's type inference consists of two major parts:

The part 1 is the core subroutine of Julia's type inference and is based on the algorithm proposed in Mohnen, M., 2002, April. A graph-free approach to data-flow analysis, that now we know how it works. The part 2 extends it so that the inference still converges even when it recurs into a function calls in the inter-procedural way (even if there is mutual recursive calls, etc.). This article won't go any further on the part 2, please refer to Jeff Bezanson's Ph.D. thesis or Jameson Nash's blog post for details if interested.

So we may be interested in if Julia’s type inference also modifies the paper's original algorithm as well as this article. For example, does it work for prog0 correctly ?

Try it first

Julia's type inference routine uses data-flow analysis to type-annotate your Julia code in order to generate efficient code. It actually does constant prop' to improve the accuracy of inference. So if Julia's type inference routine works correctly, it should reveal that r in prog0 is a constant 5.

Let's create Julia code corresponding to prog0 and run type inference on it. We can express prog0 as Julia code using @label macro:

        @label I₀
        x = 1
        @label I₅
        x ≤ z && @goto I₇

Again, it's a bit ugly, so let's define @prog′ macro that generates valid Julia code from our P=I0...InInstrP = I_0 ... I_n \in \text{Instr} notations (i.e. the syntax @prog works on):

# generate valid Julia code from the "`Instr` syntax"
macro prog′(blk)
    prog′ = Expr(:block)
    bns = [gensym(Symbol(:instruction, i-1)) for i in 1:length(blk.args)] # pre-generate labels for all instructions

    for (i,x) in enumerate(filter(!islnn, blk.args))
        x = MacroTools.postwalk(x) do x
            return if @capture(x, @goto label_)
                Expr(:symbolicgoto, bns[label+1]) # fix `@goto i` into valid goto syntax

        push!(prog′.args, Expr(:block, Expr(:symboliclabel, bns[i]), x)) # label this statement

    return prog′

@macroexpand @prog′ begin
    x = 1             # I₀
    y = 2             # I₁
    z = 3             # I₂
    @goto 8           # I₃
    r = y + z         # I₄
    x ≤ z && @goto 7  # I₅
    r = z + y         # I₆
    x = x + 1         # I₇
    x < 10 && @goto 4 # I₈

        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#45###instruction0#296")))
        var"#57#x" = 1
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#46###instruction1#297")))
        var"#54#y" = 2
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#47###instruction2#298")))
        var"#55#z" = 3
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#48###instruction3#299")))
        $(Expr(:symbolicgoto, Symbol("#49###instruction8#304")))
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#50###instruction4#300")))
        var"#56#r" = var"#54#y" + var"#55#z"
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#51###instruction5#301")))
        var"#57#x" ≤ var"#55#z" && $(Expr(:symbolicgoto, Symbol("#52###instruction7#303")))
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#53###instruction6#302")))
        var"#56#r" = var"#55#z" + var"#54#y"
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#52###instruction7#303")))
        var"#57#x" = var"#57#x" + 1
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#49###instruction8#304")))
        var"#57#x" < 10 && $(Expr(:symbolicgoto, Symbol("#50###instruction4#300")))

As we can see @prog′ nicely generates valid Julia code corresponding to prog0 from our notation :)

Okay, let's check the result of Julia's native type inference using code_typed:

code_typed(; optimize = false) do
    @prog′ begin
        x = 1             # I₀
        y = 2             # I₁
        z = 3             # I₂
        @goto 8           # I₃
        r = y + z         # I₄
        x ≤ z && @goto 7  # I₅
        r = z + y         # I₆
        x = x + 1         # I₇
        x < 10 && @goto 4 # I₈

        x, y, z, r # to check the result of abstract interpretation
end |> first

1 ─       Core.NewvarNode(:(r))::Any
│         (x = 1)::Core.Const(1)
│         (y = 2)::Core.Const(2)
│         (z = 3)::Core.Const(3)
└──       goto #6
2 ─       (r = y::Core.Const(2) + z::Core.Const(3))::Core.Const(5)
│   %7  = (x ≤ z::Core.Const(3))::Bool
└──       goto #4 if not %7
3 ─       goto #5
4 ─       (r = z::Core.Const(3) + y::Core.Const(2))::Core.Const(5)
5 ┄       (x = x + 1)::Int64
6 ┄ %12 = (x < 10)::Bool
└──       goto #8 if not %12
7 ─       goto #2
8 ─ %15 = Core.tuple(x, y::Core.Const(2), z::Core.Const(3), r::Core.Const(5))::Core.PartialStruct(NTuple{4, Int64}, Any[Int64, Core.Const(2), Core.Const(3), Core.Const(5)])
└──       return %15
) => NTuple{4, Int64}

As seen in the line 8 ─ %15 = Core.tuple(x, y::Core.Const(2), z::Core.Const(3), r::Core.Const(5))::Core.PartialStruct(NTuple{4, Int64}, Any[Int64, Core.Const(2), Core.Const(3), Core.Const(5)]), Julia's data-flow analysis correctly reveals that r is a constant 5 (i.e. r::Core.Const(5) in Julia's internal representation).

Run it actually

If we actually execute prog0, we get the result r == 5 as expected:

@prog′ begin
    x = 1             # I₀
    y = 2             # I₁
    z = 3             # I₂
    @goto 8           # I₃
    r = y + z         # I₄
    x ≤ z && @goto 7  # I₅
    r = z + y         # I₆
    x = x + 1         # I₇
    x < 10 && @goto 4 # I₈

    x, y, z, r # to check the result of actual execution

(10, 2, 3, 5)

Check the fixes in Julia's type inference implementation

So Julia's type inference correctly works on prog0, and now we're interested in how it's different from the original algorithm proposed in the paper. Let's have a quick dive into Julia's type inference implementation.

To help you understand, I'm going to present the parts in Julia's data-flow analysis implementation that correspond to the fixes we've made in this article:

  1. use the "equivalence" of abstract state to determine whether or not the abstract state of the current instruction changes an abstract state to which it propagates

  2. use (meet, computes maximum lower bound) to update abstract state, to make sure that the updated abstract state will be lower in LL than the previous state.

The fixes we've made

Please keep in mind that there're two notable differences between our constant folding prop' problem and Julia's type inference:

  1. our constant folding prop' compares abstract state AA to determine the convergence of state, while Julia's type inference compares abstract value CC (, which corresponds to LatticeElement in our implementation)

  2. Julia's type inference and our constant folding prop' works on their own lattice in the opposite directions; unlike our constant folding prop' setup, Julia's type inference transitions abstract value CC from \bot to \top[6]

Maybe outdated
The code I'm going to show or refer to below was all take from this commit of the JuliaLang/julia repository.

Fix 1: The condition to determine the convergence of abstract state

In Julia's type inference implementation, typeinf_local corresponds to the paper's algorithm. Within typeinf_local, abstract states are updated in the following parts:

  1. https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/tree/f2eb09e5da50128af1f2b20a451dadd3adc991fd/base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl#L1316: newstate_else = stupdate!(s[l], changes_else)

  2. https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/tree/f2eb09e5da50128af1f2b20a451dadd3adc991fd/base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl#L1415: newstate = stupdate!(s[pc´], changes)

Here is how stupdate! is implemented:

function stupdate!(state::VarTable, changes::StateUpdate)
    if !isa(changes.var, Slot)
        return stupdate!(state, changes.state)
    newstate = false
    changeid = slot_id(changes.var::Slot)
    for i = 1:length(state)
        if i == changeid
            newtype = changes.vtype
            newtype = changes.state[i]
        oldtype = state[i]
        # remove any Conditional for this Slot from the vtable
        if isa(newtype, VarState)
            newtypetyp = newtype.typ
            if isa(newtypetyp, Conditional) && slot_id(newtypetyp.var) == changeid
                newtype = VarState(widenconditional(newtypetyp), newtype.undef)
        if schanged(newtype, oldtype)
            newstate = state
            state[i] = smerge(oldtype, newtype)
    return newstate

function stupdate!(state::VarTable, changes::VarTable)
    newstate = false
    for i = 1:length(state)
        newtype = changes[i]
        oldtype = state[i]
        if schanged(newtype, oldtype)
            newstate = state
            state[i] = smerge(oldtype, newtype)
    return newstate


schanged seems to take the role to determine the convergence of abstract value. Let's take a closer look at schanged:

@inline schanged(@nospecialize(n), @nospecialize(o)) = (n !== o) && (o === NOT_FOUND || (n !== NOT_FOUND && !issubstate(n, o)))


issubstate(a::VarState, b::VarState) = (a.typ ⊑ b.typ && a.undef <= b.undef)


where computes the partial order of abstract values in Julia's type lattice.

Comparing to our setup, to update abstract values when schanged(n, o) holds in Julia's type inference corresponds to updating abstract states when !(new ≥ s[pc´+1]) holds (instead of when new < s[pc´+1] holds) in our code[7]. Note that in our setup new is actually never greater than s[pc´+1], thus !(new ≥ s[pc´+1]) essentially equals to new ≠ s[pc´+1].

Well, as I said, schanged works on abstract values rather than abstract states, unlike ≠(::AbstractState, ::AbstractState) in our constant folding prop' setup. But there is no essential difference between them, since our constant folding prop' implementation updates abstract states by variable-wise use of and so ≠(::AbstractState, ::AbstractState) returns false only after all abstract values for each variable have converged to their fixed point.

Anyway, we can see Julia's type inference analysis implementation also changes the paper's original convergence condition, and uses !⊑ instead of as our max_fixed_point uses instead of <.

Fix 2: How to update abstract state

smerge updates abstract value:

function smerge(sa::Union{NotFound,VarState}, sb::Union{NotFound,VarState})
    sa === sb && return sa
    sa === NOT_FOUND && return sb
    sb === NOT_FOUND && return sa
    issubstate(sa, sb) && return sb
    issubstate(sb, sa) && return sa
    return VarState(tmerge(sa.typ, sb.typ), sa.undef | sb.undef)


Although smerge looks a bit involved, tmerge seems to be taking the heavy lifting to update abstract values. Well, tmerge is yet more complex and so I'd like to omit its detail here, but it basically performs the operation that is equivalent to \sqcup (join), which also corresponds to our fix [8].

After all, Julia's type inference implementation bases on the algorithm proposed in the paper but also it fixes the originally proposed algorithm as we've done for constant folding prop' problem in this article.


In this article, we have implemented the data-flow analysis algorithm proposed in Mohnen, M., 2002, April. A graph-free approach to data-flow analysis, that Julia's type inference routine is based on. While implementing the example data-flow problem, we found some minor (yet super serious !) mistakes in the paper, and we saw there're similar changes done in Julia's type inference implementation; maybe the problems and fixes are only noticed by the readers of this article and the developers of Julia's compiler.

Well, it's the very first time for me to doubt and correct an academic paper; it actually took me a fair amount of time to get to this conclusion. Akira Kawata struggled with the paper together with me and helped me find and fix the problems. I would like to thank him again here.



[1] The paper uses Unicode Character "Lu_1D56E" (U+1D56E) as a symbol for this, but in this article we'll use AA instead of it since the character isn't supported by KaTeXKaTeX
[2] Of course this algorithm can be used for general data-flow problems other than the constant folding propagation problem we've setup so far, but note that the initial state and inequalities in the algorithm can be different for each problem.
[3] For conditional branching instruction, newnew is propagated to sls_l (abstract state of conditional jump destination instruction) only when newnew is lower than sls_l in the the lattice LL
[4] As an alternative, we can overload Base.convert and eliminates uses of constructors of Sym and Num by automatically promoting Symbol to Sym and Int to Num. A resulting code with this approach would look more like the code with our first naive approach to write PP than the code with @prog macro.
[5] By the way, there is no errata about this !
[6] Julia's type inference routine works on such a lattice that the more abstract types are at the top and the more concrete types are at the bottom (where the most abstract type is Any and the most concrete type is Union{}), and transitions abstract value from \bot to \top (, which is why Julia's type inference returns Any when it can't determine the type).
[7] Note that in Julia's type inference "corresponds" to in our constant folding prop' setup, since they work on their lattice in the opposite direction.
[8] Again, Julia's type inference transitions abstract value from \bot to \top as opposed to our constant folding prop' setup, and so it should update abstract value using \sqcup, which is the counterpart operation of \sqcap.